This guide includes the following sections:
For information on getting started with Team Sim, including what to do before joining an exercise, visit our Getting Started guide.
Join an exercise and participate
Join an exercise
When an exercise is live, join the exercise by selecting the exercise itself, and then the join exercise button.
Participate in the exercise
Joining the exercise takes participants through to the exercise itself. This consists of:
(on the left hand-side)
- Tasks: the list of tasks to be solved by participants, in order to complete the exercise. Once a participant enters the correct answer, the task will be marked as correct for all participants in the same group, allowing participants to work together to complete the exercise.
- Clipboard: the clipboard tool allows participants to copy and paste text in and out of the virtual machine. See our clipboard support guide for more information.
(in the centre of the screen)
- Briefing: gives participants an overview of the exercise.
- Systems: a list of systems and/or applications required to solve the tasks. Participants can open these here, which will spin the environment up on a different tab. See Kali and Velociraptor in the example below:
- Network: a visual representation of the network.
- VPN: options for participants to access the environments required through a VPN, using OpenVPN client (as if on their own machine).
Live performance data
During the exercise, you'll be able to see live performance for all participants. This is available under the performance (live) tab, before going into the exercise itself:
This area includes metrics around your personal performance, as well as your group's performance. It includes:
- Tasks completed
In the personal performance area, this is the number of tasks you personally submitted. In the group performance area, this is the number of tasks completed collectively by group members.
- Accuracy against tasks completed
In the personal performance area, this is the accuracy against the tasks you personally completed. In the group performance area, this is the average accuracy of task completion attempts by group members.
- Active time - the time spent in-exercise
In the personal performance area, this is the time you have spent in the exercise. In the group performance area, this is the time spent in the exercise by the team.
This is measured as the total time that any participant (or multiple participants of the group) were connected to the exercise. If two participants are logged in at the same time (e.g., between 1pm and 2pm) then this only counts the time of one participant (i.e., one hour in this example).
- Team-specific metrics for participants' own team and ranking against other teams
Find more information on exercise ranking metrics here.