This guide lists the steps to follow to set up and assign a Team Sim exercise.
Platform role required: Team Sim Manager
1. Navigate to Exercise in the main navigation menu and select Cyber Team Sim.
2. Select schedule exercise in the top right corner:
3. Select a scenario from the list.
Scenarios are templated storylines that form the basis of the exercise.
Selecting each scenario presents further information on the scenario itself, to help you find a suitable template for your exercise. You'll be presented with four tabs:
- Brief: this is shown to both participants and Team Sim Managers. It provides an overview of the scenario and any information participants require, such as range details and tool information.
- Systems: this section outlines all systems involved in the scenario, including information on host names and IP addresses. The list is dynamic based on platform role; it will differ for Team Sim Managers and exercise participants.
- Network: a visual representation of the systems available within the scenario. It's also dynamic based on platform role; it'll differ for Team Sim Managers and exercise participants.
- Debrief: this section contains the solution for the simulation. Team Sim Managers can view this at any point. However, it will only become visible to participants once they have completed the exercise, and it has ended.
Select the select button under the scenario's title to choose a scenario.
4. Fill in exercise details: provide a title, and select the dates it'll run.
Note: An exercise's start date can be five minutes from the present. However, we recommend allowing at least 24 hours, so that participants assigned can be provided with instructions using your organization's communication channels.
5. Invite participants: select individual participants or teams to add to a group or groups.
Note: individual users still need to be put into a group or groups. Search for the participant(s) in the 'add users' search bar, select the participant(s) and then select 'move to' a new or existing group.
At least one group with at least one participant needs to be created to proceed.
The maximum number of participants per group is 10.
If you've identified more than 10 individuals you'd like to assign the exercise to, add multiple groups. This also encourages participants to challenge each other.
Note: there is a limit of 10 groups per exercise.To assign the exercise to a larger number of participants, reach out to your Customer Success Manager to assist with setting this up.
Making changes to participants assigned Participants can be added or removed at any point (before the exercise start date, as well as while it's live). Removing participants during an exercise means their performance data will be lost. Making changes to groups Participants can be moved from one group to another at any point. Groups can also be added at any point. Removing a group once an exercise is live is done by removing all participants from the group.
For details on how to make changes to exercises, see: managing an exercise. |
6. Review and publish the exercise: select the next step: confirm button on the top right, and select confirm and publish.
A green banner on the top right will appear, confirming that the exercise has been scheduled. Participants assigned will receive an email notification.
The exercise will also appear in the managed by me area of Cyber Team Sim.